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We contribute to climate change mitigation activities by developing a platform for forest carbon monitoring with high accuracy, reach and frequency

What we do

Forests are essential in maintaining healthy ecosystem interaction and biodiversity on Earth. They are in a key role in the fight against climate change since they can restore increasing carbon stocks. Hence, several national and international initiatives (including the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and the EU LULUCF Regulation) require regular reporting of forest biomass and carbon. Robust, reliable and transparent monitoring approaches of forest biomass and carbon are needed to respond to reporting requirements.

The Forest Carbon Monitoring project is developing and implementing a set of tools for reliable and cost-efficient monitoring of forest carbon stock based on satellite remote sensing approaches supported by in-situ datasets.

Close integration of field data and remotely sensed data. Statistically sound monitoring methods.
Ecosystem process-based carbon modelling integrated into the system, allowing future inclusion of additional carbon flux and forecasting features.

Flexibility towards user requirements ranging from private company carbon balance monitoring to continental level analyses with publicly available datasets.

Why remote monitoring?


Spatially detailed data from large forest areas — also regions without proper forest inventory data.


Openly available satellite datasets used together with published monitoring methods.


Enabling high resolution mapping and monitoring of global forests.


Reaching global scale with frequent data acquisition and long-term standardized systems at low cost.

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What we are trying to achieve

The overall aim of the Forest Carbon Monitoring (FCM) project is to develop remote sensing-based, user-centric approaches for forest carbon monitoring. The project implements remote sensing-based monitoring tools to be used on online platforms. In the main project that ended in July 2023, prototype tools were successfully implemented and their […]

Ge et al. journal paper image

In the meanwhile…

While waiting for the finalization of the plans for the project extension, we would like to highlight some key developments that took place since the end of the main phase of the Forest Carbon Monitoring (FCM) project. The project was highlighted in several occasions in different types of events and […]

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